Friday, August 28, 2015

The Advantages of BBM Android

As we know, BlackBerry Messenger or often called BBM now be the most popular chat application in the world, and now it beat the popularity of WhatsApp. After BBM for Android officially released, many Android users begin to instal this chat application in their smartphone. Now here, Samsung cell phone manuals will share about the advantages of BBM Android compared with the BBM application in the BlackBerry devices.

bbm android
BBM on Android

More fresh interface
BBM on Android have a more fresh interface, especially there are many Android devices have a large display size from 3 inch until 5 inches. With large size display, you will feel comfort when chat with your friends in BBM. The different between BBM Android and BBM on BlackBerry also in the displaying contact list, on Android you can display the contact in grid mode.

Cross Platform
If the BBM on BlackBerry can only installed on BlackBerry devices, while BBM on Android can be installed in every devices that use Android OS as the operating system. You can install this application in Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Oppo, and many other brands even the BlackBerry 10.

Cheaper data packet
In several countries, the data packet price for BlackBerry more expensive compared with internet data packet for Android. So, when you use Android smartphone, you can chat with your friends on BBM with save more money. Even in my country, there are mobile operator that give a free charge for BBM on Android.

Might be it is enough for today, I will share another advantages of BBM Android in another post. Thanks for visiting :)

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